
topic:Fantasy Adventure vitamin~Yu-pon's Japan travel tips~

Release: 12 Jul 2016

Slippery Aloe Vera Gel 鰻 Onsen

Aloe Vera Gel onsen

Let’s go to green gel spring !!

When people get sun burn, they may apply some aloe vera ointment. At that time, they may feel it cold, slippery and great help. Yu-pon assume you may have a question if onsen with aloe vera gel like contents is available. Japanese describe this feeling “nuru nuru” which means slippery. That is the origin of this onsen’s name,Unagi(eel)Onsen.

Aloe Vera Gel Onsen is a real onsen which is located to the famous Naruko Onsen and its neighborhood Nakayamadaira Onsen. The color of Aloe Vera Gel Onsen is green naturally. As your body feel a little slipperiness all over your body, you can get relaxed in warm green gel spring. In Naruko Onsen you will find some Aloe Vera Gel Onsen. Yu-pon recommends Yusaya Ryokan. Yusaya have been managing to maintain traditional publicl bath “Takino-yu” for 350years. Another Nakayamadaira one is Takuhide Ryokan. Here you see open bathes and inside bathes are for Aloe Vera Gel Onsen.


Name; Naruko onsen Yusaya
Place; 84 Naruko Onsen Yumoto, Oosaki City, Miyagi Prefecture
Access; by train from Tokyo station,take Tohoku Shinkansen to Furukawa station, change to Rikutou line get off at Naruko Onsen 3h, walking 4min to Yusaya Ryokan.
pick up service available at Naruko onsen station
By car; from Urawa I.C. to Furukawa I.C.on Tohoku Expressway 375km, get off and take R47 28.5k to Naruko Onsen

元祖うなぎ湯の宿 ゆさや旅館

Name; Naruko onsen Takuhide
Place; 20-9 Aza Hosinuma, Naruko Onsen
Access; by train from Tokyo station,take Tohoku Shinkansen to Furukawa station, change to Rikutou line get off at Naruko Onsen 3h,also get off next Nakayamadaira station
pick up service available at Nakayamadaira station



naruko onsen